The Interconnectedness of Chaos
A Dialogue between
Roberto Calvo Macias and Dr.
Sam Vaknin
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This game is about thinking "future".
We assume (in this game) that this complex techno-rational
organization (or more prosaically: the modern world of the West)
is trying to reach and does reach "total organization"
(that is to say: total inter-connection).
This could be an epiphenomenon (beyond a critical
point quantitative changes metamorphose into qualitative changes).
We shall analyse the possible configurations, bifurcations and
critical thresholds; and determine zones of meta-stability, next
to equilibrium and far from equilibrium and also the possible
attractors and "strange attractors". This is to say: a
complex study of the future (that special version of the future
conceived as total organization).
Equating "total organization" with inter-connectedness
may be wrong.
Obviously, it may be wrong. It was just a "name",
let's just say interconnectedness.
This is not what I meant to say. I meant:
interconnectedness does not necessarily lead to total
organization. It can lead to total chaos and anarchy, for
instance by multiplying the effects of perturbances.
This is what I want to know: will it lead to total
chaos or to total organization, or to a mix of the two (that's my
Aren't we transforming our images of "chaos
and order"?
It is a series of questions, each one deserving of
its own mini-essay.
Yes, I believe our concepts of "order"
and "chaos" and the way we imagine them have been
drastically revamped in the last few decades, following the
chaotic world wars.
The two were always inter-connected. We must not
forget that the universe was moulded by God out of chaos,
according to the opening chapter of Genesis. But while in the
past and until recently the two were considered opposites - today
they are considered as two poles of a continuum by one account or
as emergent phenomena by another. Chaos emerges out of order
given certain inputs and order emerges out of chaos given others.
This picture emerges everywhere - from the workings of the brain
to astrophysics.
Aren't we changing/complementing our old
archetypes with new dynamic ones?
If taken in the Jungian sense, order and chaos are
not strictly archetypes.
Rather they are "meta"-types. They are
tendencies, potentials, paths, waiting to be materialized and
made use of by archetypes. This perception hasn't changed. Chaos
and order are still regarded as states of matter and of energy,
as organizational principles, as residents of the twilight zone
between the mental or subjective and the external, the "objective".
Are we changing our forms of perception, or
perception itself?
I don't think such a distinction can be made. I
think that our perception is shaped by our ideas (our forms of
perception). The content in-forms the vessel. Our perception
adapts itself to what we think about our perception and to what
we think about our thoughts. So, yes, if our thoughts about chaos
and order (two immensely important perceptual filters) have
changed - so, inevitably, has our perception.
Are we changing our selves while inter-acting with
Need this question be asked? Or, rather, CAN this
question be asked this way? Are we not part of nature and our
interactions, are they not natural?
We are changing because no interaction is possible
without some kind of exchange and trading taking place. We give
of ourselves and receive from others. This is the very definition
and the very essence of change.
Are we entering a new age, with new senses?
Are we metamorphosing to a dual perception, static
and dynamic at the same time: wave/matter?
Are we ending/completing antiquity?
Are we delineating a new kind of dynamic myths:
"gestalt", figure a-la Goethe's Protoform?
We are entering a new cosmic house: Aquarius. Are
we entering in a new cosmology: i.e. fractals, chaos theories,
complexity, quantum duality, pure materialism: Magical Realism?
In a new born, who can distinguish which sounds
are the pains of parturition and which ones are the outcomes of
the "happiness of creation"?
I take all these questions to be facets of one and
the same. It is the awe inspired in us by the advent of novelty.
We are on the threshold of radically revising old concepts, of
drastically altering the way we see the world and us in it, in
short: on the verge of spinning new myths to assuage our
existential angst. It is an anxiety inducing transition and it
was bound to shatter the foundation of the very language that we
use. Hence the need to grapple with the ambiguities of "order"
and "disorder". The need to revolutionize the way we
ARE (at least cognitively) arose out of the onslaught of
technology, the cultural shock that is the future shock. It is an
adaptive mechanism, a reflex of adjustment to the ever faster
pace of change.
Fully agree. Your ability to give clear
descriptions is outstanding.
Thank you. Order is measured in physics by the
decline in entropy in closed systems.
Ignoring for a minute that there are no closed
systems in the universe (perhaps with the exception of the
universe itself) - we are still left with the question: are
interconnectedness and entropy inversely proportional?
In other words, does order increase the more we
connect discreet elements to each other?
That is the question, my dear Hamlet? will order
By definition organization is an increase in order.
Organization incorporates the transfer of
structured (read: meaningful) information between elements in the
organization (let us call them "organizational nodes").
It is easy to commit the logical fallacy of
equating the transfer of structured information with order. If A=B
and B=C then A=C.
But this is not necessarily so.
It is true that in a state of entropy, no transfer
of information (bar random quantum vacuum fluctuations) is
Would you like to further explain this? Earth is
not a "state of entropy".
Earth is over-abundance ( by stealing the fire of
gods (Prometheus): SUN.
Earth is an open system. It absorbs material from
the outside. As a result, it is negentropic. It will never go
cold. Entropy implies that all the energy available in the
universe will be equally distributed in all space-time. The
result will be a universe as cold as the absolute zero.
Entropy is a state where there are no heat (=information)
differentials between all the points in a closed system (such as
the universe is believed to be). The outcome of this absolutely
equal distribution of heat is: no heat TRANSFERS (=no information
exchanged between the points in the closed, entropic universe).
Organization = Order
Organization = (necessitates) internal transfers
of information
BUT this does not necessarily imply that
Transfers of information=Order (or, rather, an
INCREASE in order).
In other words:
Information can be transferred in a universe that
is becoming less and less ordered. It is not an indication, IN
ITSELF, that order is increasing. Our interconnectedness (=increasing
and enhanced transfers of information and matter) is not an
indication, IN ITSELF, that order is increasing or that we are on
the way to total organization. We could well be on the way to
chaos and anarchy.
It could well be..., but surely would be a
different "anarchy", don't you think?
I will start my answer with a little detour. It is
clear that entropy is a universal law which all theories must
obey. But against this backdrop of ever increasing entropy -
randomly generated pockets of negentropy are possible. If the
asymmetry of time (its unidirectional flow from past to future)
is determined by the increase in entropy, such pockets present an
intellectually challenge. This is why I have to agree with you
that social anarchy has very little to do with physical "anarchy"
But that C cannot occur in a state D does not make
it the opposite of D.
We cannot, therefore, say that - just because
information transfer is impossible in an entropic system - it is
the opposite of entropy (negentropy).
Could "information" be a special kind of
In physics, all these (information, energy, heat)
are interchangeable (one and the same). Clearly by transferring
information you increase the energy of the recipient (=receiver)
and decrease the energy of the sender. And clearly an increase in
energy is manifested as an increase in heat (among other
Couldn't the universe (or nature) create (in a
pure sense: poesis) matter, or energy?
There is constant creation of matter in the
universe. Quantum mechanics taught us that even "vacuum"
is not what it seems. Matter is created out of vacuum quantum
fluctuations (the result of the uncertainty principle and the
ability of particles to be in a more than one place
Does matter think?
I am made of matter and I think (I think...:o))
Who says entropy is universal? Those are only
interpretation, sometimes positive, sometimes negative, of
universe. They are just fairy tales.
The second law of thermodynamics is a cornerstone
of modern physics. It is even more unshakeable than the
relativity theories. It is a meta-law in the sense that new
theories must conform to it - or be ruled out. It has been
incontrovertibly observed in many experiments and naturally
occurring almost-closed systems. I don't think that it is an
interpretation, let alone a fairy tale. It is a well-formulated
outcome of observations.
I am not sure. If a system were to lose energy
while gaining information (and in your own words: information=energy),
could we talk about entropy?
An open system can lose less energy than it gains
information - in which case, order will increase and entropy
decrease. But closed systems do not lose or gain energy - they
simply redistribute it among their constituents.
When equality is achieved, when every unit of
volume of the closed system has the same energy content - entropy
is maximized. It is true, though, that random and temporary
"pockets" of negentropy can occur in parts of a closed
system and emulate the behaviour of open systems.
We know of only one closed system - our universe. So, there isn't much point in
talking about entropy in any other system because local conditions can lead to
its decrease rather than to its increase.
Moreover: Interconnectedness implies the POTENTIAL
of information transfer - not its actuality.
That's true. But, most of the time (unfortunately)
potentiality goes to actuality.
Organizations are patterns and humans, notoriously,
find patterns where there are none (in totally random populations).
How can we be sure that what we judge to be an organization is
not actually a random assemblage of elements?
We cannot assure anything - this is the "sign
of our times". But we can say (or try to say, at least),
with all due reservations, what could define (more or less)
organization - there are even morphological profiles:
organizations use rigid lines, rectangular, organism uses more
fluid forms (bios, coral beads, flowers, etc.).
Let me demonstrate a strange morphological
Death-organization (bureaucracy)- entropy-
Life-organism - neg-entropy (information) - living
It is indisputable that life - over short spans of
time (prior to decay, ageing and death) - is negentropic. It is
novel thought that bureaucracies/organizations are dead things
which increase (or can be equated to) entropy.
Living things are also organizations which employ
bureaucratic decision making processes. Human organizations,
hierarchies and bureaucracies are a NATURAL thing (because humans,
who are objects of nature, invented them).
So, I think that organizations/bureaucracies AND
living things are ORDER - the opposite of entropy, that is:
At least as long as they are ALIVE.
What if they die?
Are dead bodies, perfectly preserved for eternity
- entropic or negentropic?
Are bureaucratic organizations which have no
function anymore (NATO...:o)) - entropic or negentropic?
It is a VERY complex question. On the face of it,
the fact that STRUCTURE is preserved (=the corpse, the skeletal
organization) has, undoubtedly, negentropic effects. But if there
is no FUNCTION - is there any transfer of energy? Of course not.
And entropy is the ABSENCE, the STOPPAGE of transfer of energy.
We are faced with the following choices:
- It is life that separates entropy from
negentropy. A structure without an ACTUAL function is entropic.
The same structure when it functions (=lives) is NEGentropic.
You are touching the basis of that "new
vision". Obviously we need organization (skeletal, structure)
but we shall try to subordinate it to functions, and not the
other way. Organizations (human organizations are known to) have
this natural tendency to expand. We, as free humans shall in-form
(give form, limits) this growth. This is to say: we shall
construct an organism (part skeleton/ part function).
The definition of entropy (chaos) and negentropy (order)
is much too narrow and, anyhow, is not applicable to open systems
(such as the earth or living organisms).
I fully agree. In my previous comments I
represented the classical point of view, just to draw the picture
and how we shall change our view about entropy, information, neg-entropy,
order and chaos. We shall try to see the being and the becoming
at the same time.
Order is an emergent phenomenon (epiphenomenon).
If a sufficient number of elements interact chaotically, order is
created. But is it created only in our minds - limited as these
are? Perhaps there are no such things as order and disorder.
Perhaps they are only the names we give to two different
cognitive, mental EXPERIENCES which have nothing to do with
reality outside our brain. Pattern recognition must have
represented an evolutionary advantage. That order emerges
suddenly and fitfully may teach us a lot about ourselves rather
than about our world.
This is a brilliant observation: it touches the
raw nerve: how to know patterns, or reality. In other words:
Matter, Modelization. Reality. We can say what is order only in
reference to our minds, that is obvious.
About patterns, and that never-ending discussion
regarding object/subject:
Videtur: suprema laus; evidence is supreme law.
This is why I like chaos theories, complexity, it
simply offer itself to the eye - of course, it is another kind of
faith, that is not for this post-modern world:-). But it is a
kind of merely visual faith - it resonates profoundly in our mind:
it's life moving itself. But, your comment doesn't resolve the
question: should we eliminate (or forget them for the time being)
those words: order and disorder. Do they not have a place in post-modern
mentality? or should we understand them in a new way?
I think we should understand them as mental
constructs, not as objective realities.
Then we should define them operationally and not
ontologically. In other words: it is not that order exists either
in the outside world or in our heads. It does not. But "order"
is how we name a series of actions and reactions in our brain. It
need not have an external trigger (as any dreamer, author, artist,
or junkie can attest). It need not be even correlated with the
outside world. But whenever we have this sequence of events in
our heads - we call it order. And whenever we have another
sequence - we call it chaos.
Yes. But this not resolves the question. What can
be order for one person could be chaos to another.
Maybe societally and culturally, but not
physically. In physics (thermodynamics, information theory,
cybernetics) order is defined clearly.
What I am trying to say is that even this
monovalent, unambiguous, clear cut definition is merely a
labelling of mental processes. It contains less information about
the world that about how we experience our interaction with the
world. It says less about what's out there than what's in here.
Thus, the very premise that interconnectedness is
bound to yield increasing order (total organization), which will
epiphenomenally spring forth - is, to my mind, simplistic and
dubious on ontological grounds. A case can be presented (however
counter-intuitive) that inter-connectedness increases entropy,
disorder and disorganization rather than the other way around.
Well, it could be...( my introduction to the game
contained only one premise and the rest were pure questions).
Predicting those possibilities are the finality of this game.
Think about the following:
If information will be instantly available to
everyone everywhere instantaneously and all the time - the world
will have become MORE entropic, not less so. The very definition
of entropy is an equal distribution of heat (information).
Again my question: could information be "another
kind" of "energy"?
And another one (related to our primordial
Let us reach an agreement on order and disorder
before we start the game.
If entropy is an equal distribution of heat, could entropy be equalized to
order: crystals?
Every ordinary physicist will have ignored this
last question of yours disdainfully.
But I will not, because I am no ordinary physicist
(this is my narcissism rearing its ugly
head ...:o)) and because it is a good question and because it is
good to ask such questions.
You see, I think that we, the human race, did NOT
reach an agreement (not even an intuitive one) regarding "what
is order" (and, by implication, what is disorder). Because
we do NOT possess such an agreement, we were surprised by Chaos
Theory (chaos leading to order), by recent astrophysics (black
holes, the big bang - order leading to chaos and chaos leading to
order), by phase transitions (sudden emergence of anew kind of
order), by some thermodynamic effects (order emerging from total
chaotic dynamics). We simply did not and do not know what to
In my humble opinion, the distinction between
order and disorder is false and reflects MENTAL states, as I said
Tell me, which is ordered and which is disordered:
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (SET #1)
iiii iiii iiiiiiii (SET #2)
If you say that the second set is the ordered one
(4+4=8) - isn't it all in your mind? had you never heard of
arithmetic would you still have considered the second set more
orderly than the first? You need to KNOW mathematics to declare
the second set more orderly. In other words, order is not a
property of the set - it is all in your head.
And if you say that the first set is the more
ordered - how can it be? It contains less information than the
second one and anything that contains less information is more
entropic, i.e. more disordered. Still, it IS ordered. No one will
say that it is chaotic. But in which way is it ordered and in
which way is it disordered? And if the information (4+4=8) is
only in our heads is order an extensive parameter (=property) of
the system studied or of OUR BRAIN?
Well, I will not say that is FALSE, I prefer to
say that opinions on order and disorder change with time.
About the BRAIN and the never ending object/subject
dichotomy we have only experience to arbiter. It is obvious that
we are in an age in which even doubt is put in doubt, but we can
establish some regions of certainty.
And we can say that matter goes to spirit and vice
Chaos leads to order, order leads to chaos: life.
The more interconnectedness - the more anarchy and
dissolution of centres of power, the less rigid and hierarchical
the social structures, the more democratic the access to
information. This is LESS order - not more so.
Which world was more totally organized - Soviet
Russia and Nazi Germany or current Russia and the current USA?
This is my great doubt, and the reason I started
this dialogue.
Taking account of the classical definition of
order, stability, discipline, etc... I will have answered that
Nazi society was the more "organized". On the the other
hand, if we understand the concept of "order" as motion,
or we use meta-stability instead of rigid stability, I would
answer that the current USA is the more organized. As
demonstrated by history: the Nazis survived for twenty years, the
USA much longer.
Assuming, of course, that there is a positive
correlation between the extent to which a society is ordered and
its chances to survive. Many management gurus believe otherwise
and encourage "creative chaos" or "chaotic
creativity" (the very characteristic of modern
This is also my opinion. The more chaotic the
creativity, the more survival-orientated the responses. Obviously,
from a remote view, this creative chaos could be seen as a
superior order. As in fractals, the description has to correspond
to distances and methods.
You see, order (or disorder) is covariant, that is
to say observer-dependent. It is all relative, there is no
privileged frame of reference. Einstein would have loved it.
But, without doubt, the more ordered (rigid, chaotically, or whatever) a society
the more chances it has to survive. Order in an organism could be equalized with
wealth. An high-order organism is that of supreme wealth.
Why more democratic the access to information is
less order? Why?
Because to us, old hands, order implies hierarchy,
structure, regulated flows of information and deterministic
decision making processes.
Information monopolies are essential to maintain
this kind of order.
Imagine if our kidney had access to
neurotransmitters and could produce them. Or if our brain was
able to process food. Actually, mammal brain are separated from
the rest of the body by what is known as "brain blood
barrier" which does not allow 99.9% of all the substances
circulating in the body to come through.
Think about terrorists having access to sites on
the web with bomb construction and germ breeding information.
Think about paranoid people preyed upon by sadists by email.
Think about crooks selling non-existent services to gullible
Problems, errors, terrorism, etc... are insoluble.
They are inherent to humans. To ask technology to resolve those
problems is, like we say in Spain, to ask an elm tree for pears,
to expect the impossible.
I am not asking technology to resolve these
problems - merely not to make them worse.
And if not to solve human problems - what is
technology for?
That's precisely what I would like to know: what
the hell is technology for? Do you know? If so, just tell me, we
can write a book and become millionairies.:-)
I agree with you in certain parts. It seems that
technological-organizational thinking implies a central structure,
This is the reason for my interest in the
structure of the internet - and here you can show things (to our
future lectors) better than me: I don't know this structure
The internet is an amazing example of order as an
emergent phenomenon.
Engineering-wise it is chaotic. Pathways criss
cross each other geographically and messages are broken to
packets which are then distributed randomly through these
pathways and re-assembled upon arrival at their destination.
Still, a profound and hyper-complex order emerges
and the united resources of the net were even put to use as the
virtual equivalent of a supercomputer.
See my:
But I think we can also make a new distinction:
what is decisive nowadays (and always), is
not the control of information. The treasures are the channels (of water, of cars, of bits, etc...). Those who
control the channels are the new masters. The only way to avoid
this "new state extortion", is to
create our own channels, to send our information within our own channels (to have our satellites, just like
modern parabolicantennas but with two way input-output) and this
takes us again to the beginning of this
vicious circle: we shall have our own energy (sun panels). This is a never-ending fight between
organization and organism. We shall use hackers tactics, always
beyond the organizational time (at the
moment we can go beyond the organizational space: do you have
your own UFO?:-))
Anyway, on what basis do you make such assertions
about information monopolies? should the
USA conserve its "nuclear weapons" in secrecy? have you read Hannah Arendt, do you know what secrecy
implies? The "good times "of CIA,
and KGB, have, fortunately, passed. Was it a good decision (to increase "order") to forbid all drugs?
what would have happened had the government washed its hands
regarding this matter? We cannot know what would have happened,
Moreover, and this is about copyright matters, a
high-quality creation doesn't need
copyright, its protection is inside it.
What I want to say is: the state should not
intervene to control this chaotic process of interconnectedness (each intervention will
produce more troubles than benefits), it
should let this anarchy go its own way, and in an unforced manner,
create its own hierarchies and rules. In a more prosaic way: more "physis"
and less "polis" (it's time to read the pre-socratics).
At the beginning of a new medium, channels are
always more important than content and then,
as the medium matures, the picture reverses. The digital revolution made channels so cheap and the competition so
fierce that we have already entered the
phase of content domination. True, internal portals still carry
heavy weight and outlandish price tags. Broadband and interactivity still dominate the thoughts of those who
count. But underneath, the content
revolution seethes. Everyone is nowadays a publisher (of
e-books, of e-zines), a rebel, a preacher in potential. The
barriers for entry into the hitherto exclusive universe of content
creation have been removed. To really secure future freedom it is
the content that should be emphasized, in my opinion. As computers
become cheaper, wireless technologies are introduced and
communication speeds and storage (computer memory)
costs collapse - channels will become less important.
Regarding the acronym soup you threw at me - I
think, as regards everything in life - it is a matter of degree. I am against what
the CIA has done to the likes of Allende. Of course I am against
what the KGB has done to tens of millions. But I fully support a
certain censorship and restrictions of access.
I think that children should not gain access to pedophile sites, nor
should terrorists download instructions on how to prepare bombs.
I think that Iraq should gain no access to sites dealing with the
nuts and bolts of biological warfare. It is a matter of self-preservation
mind you. I develop a strange tendency to
forget all my noble principles - freedom of speech included - when
threatened credibly. So, no, I do not think that the internet should be left to self-regulate because I think
that it largely failed to do so.
And I support the legalization of all drugs and
the abolition of monopoly profits resulting
from the current form of copyright. But copyright protection is not aimed at preventing copying. It is
aimed at rewarding the author / creator /
artist whenever copying does occur.
I am not against censorship. But I prefer that
governments do not intervene (or intervene
only minimally) in such questions. All organizations build their own modes of security. Secrecy is one of the
bases of any business and state. But we
should let the internet resolve its own problems. Pedophile, child
abuse, terrorism: all those things existed and
are growing rapidly even without internet. Just think about Thailand, or some other places in South-America.
Unfortunately, such people (as awful and
horrible as we judge them to be) are part of creation. We have to
live with that. The Internet will not change those things, the
Internet will not make us better. Information, education have
nothing to do with "good or bad"
matters. Moreover, ages of high-intelligence (such as the
Renaissance) were almost a-moral. I am an author, am I not?:-) So I
am not against copyright. What I want to
say its that the concept itself is changing. How could we
control this copying process in a world of total
interconnectedness? I think there is no way, do you know one?
We are reverting to the middle-ages, to the
cathedrals, it's not the time for genius.
So, the one-and-only authentic copyright is inside
the work.
Regarding the first issue:
I do not expect technology to change human nature
which clearly includes sadistic and
aggressive impulses (Freud's Thanatic instinct). I simply expect the technology not to provide such impulses with
ready tools.
Regarding the second issue:
Of course there is a way to protect copyright in
the digital age if all the links in the
chain of production and distribution were to collaborate. A prime example is the recent events in digital
music. Record labels and manufacturers of consumer electronics
have teamed to produce a digital encryption
standard which will preserve some copyright protection in the face of pirated, downloadable music in MP3 and
other formats.
And my personal opinion: order is the natural
equilibrium between liberty and necessity -
this is to say: order always exists, order in necessity.
Until refuted by discoveries we can suppose
that the universe is in a state of equilibrium.
When we reach a high equilibrium we can name it beauty. Beauty is the exuberance of order, perfection in
liberty, which allows the organism to do unnecessary things (more
liberty): ART.
We can discuss about order taking account of its
own origins. Of course, as with most things, it is the off-spring of war. Roman legions
were among the first and purest examples of
order. It was biased by this necessity and determined by
it: to move a certain high number of people through a territory.
Reflect profoundly on these two sentences:
The Order of the Law. The Law of Order.
In Spanish these two sentences are even more
The (masculine) Order (/discipline) of the Law (dictus/command).
The Law (Rules) of the (feminine) Order (
religious, military orders).
I am thoroughly satisfied by this mini-essay of
yours about order. I will take the liberty
of using all your definitions interchangeably. I commend you for elucidating (to me) the profound links between
order and beauty (art).
Most of your definitions are sarcastic ( ironical
with the regards to the classical views and rigid
concepts on order).
I think I am ready for the game.
Your move. Feel free to start with any of these
questions. Choose your weapon.
Some questions to whet the appetite:
What are the limits and possibilities of such
utopias (perhaps none) about direct-democracy
(through total inter-connection)?
To me, nothing is going to change. People will
have the opportunity but won't do anything.
The process is reductionist. We will end much more automatons.
Alas, I have to agree with you here. I think
democracy is dying, mortally wounded not by
its authoritarian antagonists but by its very promoters and vehement supporters. Democracy as a social process
cannot exist where no society exists. It is a manifestation of
"object relations", of meaningful interactions with
others. With the advent of virtual society, women's lib (the feminine revolution), the disintegration of the
family, telecommuting, teleworking, telephoning, television - the
very fabric of society crumbles in a fast
forward process before our disbelieving eyes. It is fracturing
to ever smaller units: the nation, the tribe, the village, the
neighbourhood, the extended family, the nuclear family, the single
parent family, the single, the virtual single whose life is
absorbed by the glowing screen of his computer terminal. People
are "de-evolving" back to primitive narcissism, to
malignant self love, to disrupted dialogues with grandiose,
fantastic selves. They no longer talk to each other, they
communicate via wires. They no longer make
love, they fuck (occasionally, less often than before). They no
longer meet, they have meetings. They appear to be rather than be.
Oh, Demos, Demos, where art thou? Who and where is the Demos
to exert its - cracy? Glued to its electrical outlets absorbing
bits, falling to pieces. People will express opinions and make
decisions - but in opinion polls. Manipulated images, spin doctors,
slick, subtly censored sound bites will determine the inevitable.
We ARE automata, only our self-awareness has not caught up yet
with the fact. Hence the multitude of nervous breakdowns, neuroses
and personality disorders. It is the vague feeling that
something is ominously wrong, that we ceased to exist and that it
is the echo that keeps us compassionate
company. We know we shall drown in our pool, united with the ever
receding reflection of what we could have been and never shall be.
But the rebellion is near.
People have short historical memories. Throughout
the ages, they fell prey to the "Amazon Fallacy". It is
the false belief that real bookstores can be replaced by virtual
ones. It is the erroneous substitution of creating and
maintaining a brand as a marketing tool by the creation and
maintenance of a brand as an asset, divorced from the physical
Physical bookstores will exist as long as the
human race does. So will offices, workplaces and bodily sex. We
are physical and social creatures. The internet is a new way of
communicating and interacting - not a new plane or a novel
principle of existence. To survive, Amazon will be forced to open
a very real-life network of book stores. The brand "Amazon"
will generate the physical dimension of the Amazon bookshops -
the same way as the brand "Rotschild" preceded the
venerable eponymous establishment in London.
Mankind has always alternated between the virtual
and the physical, the solipsistic and the social. Internet-type
technologies (interactive and sociable) were always preceded by
television-type technologies (isolationist and solipsist). The
virtual always led to the physical. It's nothing new.
But, we are not there yet. We are still caught in
a warped, awful picture of stagnation and disintegration.
I quite agree with you. This " awful picture"
is what always makes me look for poets. We need them. This also
was the founding idea of Elite, my work about Internet and Liberty: I was looking for people who could create new values, to break
that automatism, capable to in-form the
Regarding humans, we need to re-discover divinity.
Obviously, not through regression (our "old god" has
been dead for a good while) but deep in materialism.
More questions:
Which are the limits of "the technical
organization of the world"?
What will happen then the consumption needs of the
organization overcome the amount of the natural "unorganized"
resources available to it? Will the organization then collapse?
Organizations will be destroyed by the vengeance
of fettered elements.
Can human beings reach much more velocity? Will we
collapse before, simultaneously with, or
after the organization? Is not depression (or, if we are wise, serenity) the classical pattern of reaction
following excitation and excess (Post
Orgasmic Chill: the fantastic new CD of Skunk Anansie)?
I do not think that there is a limit to how fast
Man can drive himself to self-destruction.
The promise of (technological) nirvana is too powerful. It is self annihilation that we all crave, that
primordial state which preceded our birth, our un-being, both
death and becoming. This is what technology -a death instinct
materialized - doth promise us. In a siren like voice it calls to
us from the depths. It offers rest. It offers the offloading
of responsibility, the disappearance of worry and care and fear.
It promises to isolate us from potential
sources of agitation (above all from other human beings) and to
lull us to gentle sleep. There is no end to natural resources. Technology devours humans more than any other
raw material and they are infinite in number. There are other
planets and other solar system sand other galaxies.
Of course, the more primitive structures of our
being react ferociously, fight back,
collapse, rebel. We are depressed, nervous wrecks, personality disordered, psychotic. We see the abysses, the
vacuum that is our psyche and we recoil in terror. We are brought
face to face with our limits, this goes without saying.
I quite agree, just a note:
I was talking about nowadays. Obviously, from a
remote view, there are no limits. I was only taking account of the cyclical side. It's evident that man will
collapse shortly. But we can be sure the titans will try over and
over. Man never learns from history, always
committing the same errors. Shakespeare's rules:-).
About technology and this promise of Nirvana, your
vision is quite correct, but as "authors
and thinkers":-) we shall view things with impartiality. Sure, Technology gives us that strange
sensation of narcotics (btw, just a coincidence: narc-otic has
the same root that narc-issist): that new
drug known as "security" (I don't have to tell you from where comes this growing and desperate need for
"security", remember the yoda sequence: fear-anger-hate-suffer
and that awful word which also start with N:
nihilism. So we have a new trinity:
Narcotic, Nihilist and Narcissist: the last man:-)) but it also
gives us additional things. We shall understand this special
variation on technique called "technology", we shall
discover its roots (we should take a look on causal-rationalist
thinking), we shall gain a clear view (a
dys-utopian one), we shall not ask technology
what it cannot give us. Finally we shall in-form technology,
cause technology and its energy comes from dreams (have you noticed that almost everybody dreams and yet
we take great amounts of benzodiazepine so
as not to dream; this is the real problem: someone has
sequestered the Sand-man:-). Life is a dream (Calderon): without dreams there is no life. Instead of that, as you
have justly claimed, we only had (apocalyptic)
night-mares (of our making).
I think we are quite near to that collapse -
another, a more positive and wise version
of the future would be a softer deceleration.
What will it happen with REALITY when everybody
will be on a TV screen (that Liquid Crystal Lake of Narcissus (should I copyright
this impressive title?:-)))). Does not it
mean a return of legends, rumours, hermetism, secrecy, middle-age
style, obscurantism (see the emergence of esoterism in such a
"rational "and modern world), total
madness (see what is happening with Belgian
Yes, a profound observation and so true in my view.
We must defend ourselves. Technology and
organizations are a-human. They take everything
into account except their ostensible prime beneficiary: Mankind.
We must retreat, gather power to fight back, to
harness and tame the apocalyptic mare of
our making.
As we withdraw into the archetypal lands of Jung,
we surely will encounter old myths, myths
and superstitions. It has always been like that when we failed to understand our world and to feel at home in it.
It has already started. Look around you:
astrology, soothsaying, spiritual healing, cults, millenarian
thought. The Middle Ages have returned indeed.
You have said: "technology and organizations
are a-human".
Well, I would say they are our less-human part:
the skeleton; we shall cover it with flesh
and blood. Modern technology works with clocks
(dead-mechanical-time), this gives it a special character:
automatism. Goethe's Apprentice Wizard is the best analysis I have read on this matter. To summarize it: when we
ask for a wish to be fulfilled we must be
very sure of what we desire. Of course I agree with you that we
should harness technology; but, before we tame something we must understand it. Do we understand what tech is?
do we know what we do when we manipulate
genes - as though we were gods?
But this, precisely, is the source of the danger I
foresee. It is the mistaken assumption that since technology
emanates from human brains - it, perforce, must be human.
Don't misunderstand me:
I think that technology is NATURAL because its
propagators, perpetrators, promulgators and initiators are
natural beings, natural entities.
But being human and being natural are two
different things. Humans declared war on nature, pitted
themselves against it. Technology is the tool humans employ to
alter nature and adapt it to their needs. It is this UNnatural
conflict between technology as a product of nature and Nature
itself that brings about the destructive consequences of
The mass media are the new power. "The World
is an opinion" said Marco Aurelius
A great many people will have true problems in
discerning reality from "imago" (virtual
reality); probably this will foster a growing paranoia, schizophrenia, anxiety, phobias and narcissism and all
manner of psychopathologies. This will be good news for you, there will be such a number of narcissists that a
true narcissist (in order to be different)
will have to become a normal, wise person...:o))
Yoda says: fear is anger, anger is hate, hate is
And a much more important question (and this is a
decisive side which is always forgotten),
in what sense is "a technical organization" (automaton as it is) changing the human
being (in that eternal feed-back game
between nature and humans)? Will it reduce us?
Is there a vicious circle that will transform us
to pure machines (as the Nazis tried to do with their "annihilation factories")?
That we are becoming more automatons is so evident
that any observer of a great city (look at
people's way of walking) can see it effortlessly. Will we become pure machines is a more difficult question. Do
we still remember what is liberty?
Do we still remember what it means to be human?
Nostalgia is not what it used to be, indeed.
I think that the internet is our last chance. Here,
finally, is a technology, that allows us to be more human than
less so. Every which aspect of the internet you look at is
liberating. The hardware - a PC - was constructed as a UNIVERSAL
machine, a single tool but with endless functions. It can run a
word processor with the same ease (or lack of it) that it runs a
spreadsheet or a browser application, or a game of solitaire. It
allows its user to communicate, to absorb, to emit, to transmit,
to be or not to be, as he or she wishes. It is a Promethean
platform, however flawed.
Then there is the protocol. TCP/IP is a protocol
designed to be decentralized, anonymous, redundant and free.
Every message is divided to packets which are then routed half
way around the globe through numerous networks and computers in
many countries. It is truly global and, as a result, the internet
is truly cooperative and interdependent while, at the same time
being autonomous and authority-defying.
And so it goes on and on.
The internet is a voluntary organization and
though not really democratic, it has not yet been invaded by the
long arm of the state, by the sticky fingers of politicians and
by the crushing profiteering of business. If this state of
affairs shall prevail, the internet, single-handedly, will
reverse the current trends of technology which lead us towards
more isolation and fraying of the social fabric. It is not by
coincidence that the internet is the off spring of another
interactive technology, the telephone.
As a true to form narcissist, allow me to quote
From "The
Internet - A Medium or a Message?"
"Who are the participants who constitute the Internet?
A user - connected to the net and interacting with it.
The communications lines and the communications equipment.
The intermediaries (e.g. the suppliers of on-line information
or access providers).
Hardware manufacturers.
Software authors and manufacturers (browsers, site development
tools, specific applications, smart agents, search engines and
The "Hitchhikers" (search engines, smart agents,
Artificial Intelligence - AI - tools and more).
Content producers and providers.
Suppliers of financial wherewithal (currently - corporate and
institutional cash to be replaced, in the future, by advertising
The fate of each of these components - separately and in
solidarity - will determine the fate of the Internet.
The Internet has hitherto been considered the territory of
computer wizards. Thus, any attempt at predicting its future
applied the Olympic formula: "Faster, Higher,
Stronger" to its hardware and software determinants.
Media experts, sociologists, psychologists, advertising and
marketing executives were left out of the collective effort to
determine the future face of the Internet.
The Internet cannot be currently defined as a medium. It does
not function as one - rather it is a very disordered library,
mostly incorporating the writings of non-distinguished
megalomaniacs. It is the ultimate Narcissistic experience.
Yet, ever since the invention of television there hasn't been
anything as begging to become a medium as the Internet is.
Three analogies spring to mind when contemplating the Internet
in its current state:
A new continent.
These metaphors prove to be very useful (even
business-wise). They permit us to define the commercial
opportunities embedded in the Internet.
Yet, they fail to assist us in predicting its future which
lies in its transformation into a medium.
How does an invention become a medium? What happens to it when
it does become one? What is the thin line separating the basic
function of the invention from its flowering in the form of a new
medium? In other words: when can we tell that some technological
advance gave birth to a new medium?
This work also deals with the image of the Internet once
transformed into a medium.
The Internet has the most unusual attributes in the history of
the media.
It has no central structure or organization. It is hardware
and software independent. It (almost) cannot be subjected to
legislation or to regulation.
Its data transfer channels are not linear - they are random.
Most of its "broadcast" cannot be "received"
at all. And this is but a small portion of an impressive list of
oddities. This idiosyncrasy will shape the nature of the Internet
as a medium. Growing out of bizarre roots - it is bound to yield
strange fruit as a medium.
The Web houses the equivalent of 3 million books. Search
Engine applications are used to locate specific information in
this impressive, constantly proliferating library. They will be
replaced, in the near future, by "Knowledge Structures"
- gigantic encyclopaedias, whose text will contain references (hyperlinks)
to other, relevant, sites. The far future will witness the
emergence of the "Intelligent Archives" and the "Personal
Papers" (read further for detailed explanations). Some
software applications will summarize content, others will index
and automatically reference and hyperlink texts (virtual
bibliographies). An average user will have on-going interest in
500 sites. Special software will be needed to manage address
books ("bookmarks", "favourites") and
contents ("Intelligent Addressbooks"). The phenomenon
of search engines dedicated to search a number of search engines
simultaneously will grow ("Hyper-engines").
Hyperengines will work in the background and download hyperlinks
and advertising (the latter is essential to secure the financial
interest of site developers and owners). Statistical software
which tracks ("how long was what done"), monitors
("what did they do while in") and counts ("how
many") visitors to sites exist. Some of these applications
have back-office facilities (accounting, follow-up, collections,
even tele-marketing). They all provide time trails and some allow
for auditing.
This is but a small fragment of the rapidly developing net-scape:
people and enterprises who make a living off the Internet craze
rather than off the Internet itself. Everyone knows that there is
more money in lecturing about how to make money in the Internet -
than in the Internet itself.
The Internet as a Metaphor
Three metaphors come to mind when looking at the Internet "philosophically".
The Internet as a Chaotic Library
The Internet as a Collective Brain
Drawing a comparison from the development of a human baby -
the human race has just commenced to develop its neural system.
The Internet fulfils all the function of the Nervous System in
the body and is both functionally and structurally, pretty
similar. It is decentralized, redundant (each part can serve as
functional backup in case of malfunction). It hosts information
which accessible in a few ways, it contains a memory function, it
is multimodal (multimedia - textual, visual, audio and animation).
I believe that the comparison is not superficial and that if
we study the functions of the brain (from infancy to adulthood) -
we will end up perusing the future of the Net.
1. The Collective Computer
To carry the metaphor of "a collective brain"
further, we would expect the processing of information to take
place in the Internet, rather than inside the end-users
hardware (the same way that information is processed by the brain,
not by the eyes). Desktops will receive the results and
communicate with the Net to receive additional clarifications and
instructions and to convey information gathered from their
environment (mostly, from the user).
This is precisely the philosophy behind the JAVA programming
It deals with applets - small bits of software - and links
different computer platforms by means of software.
Put differently:
The future servers will contain not only information (as they
do today) - but also software applications. The potential user of
a Word Processing application will not be forced to buy it. He
will not be driven into hardware-related expenditures to
accommodate the ever growing volume of latter day applications.
He will not find himself wasting his scarce memory and computing
resources on passive storage. Instead, he will use a browser to
call a central computer. This computer will contain the needed
software, broken to its elements (=applets, small applications).
Anytime the user wishes to use one of the functions of the
application, he will siphon it off the central computer. When
finished - he will "return" it. Processing speeds and
response times will be such that the user will not feel at all
that it is not with his own software that he is working (the
question of ownership will be very blurred in such a world). This
technology is available and it provoked a heated debated about
the future shape of the computing industry as a whole (desktops -
really power packs - or network computers, a little more than
dumb terminals).
2. The Intranet - A Logical Extension of the Collective Computer
LANs (Local Area Networks) are no longer a rarity in
corporate offices. WANs (wide Area Networks) are used to
connected geographically dispersed organs of the same legal
entity (branches of a bank, daughter companies, a sales force).
The intranet will be the winner and will gradually eliminate
both LANs and WANs. The Internet offers equal, platform-independent,
location-independent and time of day - independent access to all
the members of an organization.
The Intranet is an inter-organizational communication network,
constructed on the platform of the Internet and which enjoys all
its advantages.
The company's server can be accessed by anyone authorized,
from anywhere, at any time (with the costs associated with local
- rather than international - communication). The user can leave
messages (internal e-mail or v-mail), to draw information -
proprietary or public - from it and to participate in "virtual
teamwork" (see next chapter).
By the year 2000, a standard intranet interface will emerge.
This will be facilitated by the opening up of the TCP/IP
communication architecture and its availability to PCs. A billion
USD will go just to finance intranet servers - or, at least, this
is the median forecast.
The development of measures to safeguard server routed inter-organizational
communication (firewalls) is the solution to one of two obstacles
to the institution of the Intranet. The second problem is the
limited bandwidth which does not permit the efficient transfer of
audio (not to mention video).
It is difficult to conduct video conferencing through the
Internet. Even the voices of discussants who use internet phones
come out distorted.
All this did not prevent 90% of the Fortune 1000 from
installing intranet.
82% of all the rest intend to install one by the end of this
year. Medium to big size American firms have 50-100 intranet
terminals per every internet one.
At the end of 1997, there will be 10 web servers per every
other type of server in organizations. The sale of intranet
related software will multiply by 16 (to 8 billion USD) by the
year 1999.
One of the greatest advantages of the intranet is the ability
to transfer documents between the various parts of an
organization. Take Visa: it pushes 2 million documents per day
An organization equipped with an intranet can (while protected
by firewalls) give its clients access to non-classified
correspondence. This notion has its own charm. Consider a
newspaper: it can give access to all the materials which were
discarded by the editors. Some news are fit to print - yet are
discarded because of considerations of space. Still, someone is
bound to be interested. It costs the newspaper close to nothing (the
material is, normally, already computer-resident) - and it might
even generate added circulation and income. It can be even
conceived as an "underground, non-commercial, alternative"
newspaper for a wholly different readership.
The above is but an example of the possible use of intranet to
communicate with the organizations consumer base.
3. Mail and Chat
The internet (its e-mail possibilities) is eroding the
traditional mail. The part of the post office in conveying
messages by regular mail has dwindled from 77% to 62% (1995). E-mail
has expanded to capture 36% (up from 19%).
90% of customers with on-line access use e-mail from time to
time and 50% work it regularly. More than 1.5 billion messages
traverse the internet daily.
E-mail is disseminated through freeware and is included in all
the browsers. Thus, the internet has completely assimilated what
used to be a separate service, to the extent that many people
make the mistake of thinking that e-mail is a feature of the
The internet will do to phone calls what it did to e-mail.
Already there are applications (Intels, Vocaltecs
Internet Phone) which enables the user to conduct a phone
conversation through his computer. The voice quality is still
unacceptable - but this is real speech. The discussants can cut
into each others words, argue and listen to tonal nuances. Today,
the parties (two or more) engaging in the conversation must
possess the same software and the same (computer) hardware. In
the very near future, computer-to-regular phone applications will
eliminate this requirement. And, again simultaneous multi-modality:
the user can talk over the phone, see his party, send e-mail and
transfer documents - without obstructing the flow of the
This beats regular phones.
The next phase will probably involve virtual reality. Each of
the parties will be represented by an "icon", a 3-D
figurine generated by the application. These figurines will be
multi-dimensional: they will possess their own personality,
communication patterns, special habits, history, preferences.
Thus, they will be able to maintain an "identity":
consistent communication which they will develop over time.
Such a figure could host a site, accept, welcome and guide
visitors, all the time bearing their preferences in its
electronic "mind". Visiting sites in the future is set
to be a much more pleasant affair.
4. E-cash
In 1996, the four undisputed giants (Visa, MasterCard, Netscape and Microsoft) agreed on a standard for effecting secure payments through the Internet: SET. Internet commerce is supposed to mushroom by a factor of 50 to 25 billion USD. Site owners will be able to collect rent from passing visitors - or fees for services provided within the site. "Serious", intent, visitors will not be deterred by such trifles.
5. The Virtual Organization
The Internet allows simultaneous communication between an
almost unlimited number of users. This will be followed by the
efficient transfer of multimedia (video included) files.
This opens up a vista of mind boggling opportunities which are
the real core of the Internet revolution: the virtual
collaborative modes.
A group of musicians will be able to simultaneously compose
music or play it - while spatially and temporally separated;
Advertising agencies will be able to co-produce ad campaigns
in a real time interactive mode;
Cinema and TV films will be produced from disparate
geographical spots through the teamwork of people who will never
meet, except through the net.
These examples illustrate the concept of the "virtual
community". Locations in space and time will no longer
hinder a collaboration in a team: be it scientific, artistic,
cultural, or for the provision of services (a virtual law firm or
accounting office, a virtual consultancy network).
Two on going developments are the virtual mall and the virtual
There are well over 100 active virtual malls in the Internet.
They were frequented by 2.5 million shoppers, who shopped in them
for goods and services in 1995). The intranet can also be thought
of as a "virtual organization", or a "virtual
The virtual mall is a computer "space" (pages) in
the internet, wherein "shops" are located. These shops
offer their wares using visual, audio and textual means. The
visitor passes a gate into the store and looks through its
offering, until he reaches a buying decision. Then he engages in
a feedback process: he pays (with a credit card), buys the
product and waits for it to arrive by mail. The manufacturers of
digital products (intellectual property such as e-books or
software) have begun selling their merchandise on-line.
Yet, slow communications and limited bandwidth - constrain the
growth potential of this mode of sale. Once solved - intellectual
property will be sold directly from the net, on-line. Until such
time, the intervention of the Post Office is still required. So,
then virtual mall is nothing but a glorified computerized
catalogue or Buying Channel, the only difference being the
worldwide variety.
This contrasts with a much more creative idea: the virtual
catalogue. It is a form of narrowcasting (as opposed to
broadcasting): a surgically accurate targeting of potential
consumer audiences. Each group of consumers (no matter how small)
is fitted with their own - digitally generated - catalogue. This
is updated daily: the variety of wares on offer (adjusted to
reflect inventory levels, consumer preferences and goods in
transit) - and prices (sales, discounts, package deals) change in
real time.
The user will enter the site and there delineate his
consumption profile and his preferences. A special catalogue will
be immediately customized for him.
From then on, the history of his purchases, preferences and
responses to feedback questionnaires will be accumulated and
added to a database.
Each catalogue generated for him will come replete with order
forms. Once the user concluded his purchases, his profile will be
There is no technological obstacles to implementing this
vision today - only administrative ones. Big retail stores are
not up to processing the flood of data expected to arrive. They
also remain highly sceptical regarding the feasibility of the new
The virtual catalogue is a private case of a new internet off-shoot:
the "smart (shopping) agents". These are AI
applications with "long memories".
They draw detailed profiles of consumers and users and then
suggest purchases and refer to the appropriate sites, catalogues,
or virtual malls.
They also come back with price comparisons and the new
generation (NetBot) cannot be blocked or fooled by using
differing product categories.
In the future, these agents will refer also to real life
retail chains and issue a map of the branch or store closest to
an address specified by the user (the default being his residence).
This technology can be seen in action in a few music sites on the
6. Internet News
Internet news are advantaged: the frequency of the updates
and the resulting immediacy and freshness, the unlimited access
time (similar to printed news).
The future will witness a form of interactive news. A special
"corner" in the site will be open to updates posted by
the public (the equivalent of press releases). This will provide
readers with a glimpse into the making of the news, the raw
material news are made of.
Terra Internetica - Internet, an Unknown Continent
This is an unconventional way to look at the Internet.
Laymen and experts alike talk about "sites" and "advertising
space". Yet, the Internet was never compares to a new
continent whose "soil resources" are infinite.
The Internet will have its own real estate developers and
construction companies. The real life equivalents derive their
profits from the scarcity of the resource that they exploit - the
Internet counterparts will derive their profits from the tenants
(the content).
Two examples:
A few companies bought "Internet Space" (pages,
domain names, portals), developed it and make commercial use of
it by:
Internet Space can be easily purchased or created. The
investment is low.
Then, infrastructure can be erected - for a shopping mall, for
free home pages, or for another purpose. It is precisely this
infrastructure that the developer can later sell, lease,
franchise, or rent out.
At the beginning, only members of the fringes and the avant-garde
(inventors, risk assuming entrepreneurs, gamblers) invest in a
new invention. The invention of a new communications technology
is mostly accompanied by devastating silence.
No one knows to say what are the optimal uses of the invention
(in other words, what is its future). Many - mostly members of
the scientific and business elites - argue that there is no real
need for the invention and that it substitutes a new and untried
way for more veteran and safe modes of doing the same thing (by
implication: so why assume the risk?).
These criticisms are founded:
To start with, there is, indeed, no need for the new medium. A
new medium invents itself - and the need for it. It also
generates its own market to satisfy this newly found need.
Two prime examples are: the personal computer and the compact
When the PC was invented, its uses were completely unclear.
Its performance was lacking, its abilities limited, it was
horribly user unfriendly.
It suffered from faulty design, absent user comfort and ease
of use and required considerable professional knowledge to
operate. The worst part was that this knowledge was unique to the
new invention (not portable).
It reduced labour mobility and limited their professional
horizons. There were many gripes among those assigned to tame the
new beast.
The PC was thought of, at the beginning, as a sophisticated
gaming machine, an electronic baby-sitter. As the presence of a
keyboard was detected and as the professional horizon cleared it
was thought of in terms of a glorified typewriter or spreadsheet.
It was used mainly as a word processor (and its existence
justified solely on these grounds). The spreadsheet was the first
real application and it demonstrated the advantages inherent to
this new machine (mainly flexibility and speed). Still, it was
more (speed) of the same. A quicker ruler or pen and paper. What
was the difference between this and a hand held calculator (some
of them already had computing, memory and programming features)?
The PC was recognized as a medium only 30 years after it was
invented with the introduction of multimedia software. All this
time, the computer continued to spin off markets and secondary
markets, needs and professional specialities. The talk as always
how to improve on existing markets and
The Internet is the computers first important
breakthrough. Hitherto the computer was only quantitatively
different - the multimedia and the Internet have made him
qualitatively superior, actually, sui generis, unique.
This, precisely, is the ghost haunting the Internet:
It has been invented, is maintained and is operated by
computer professionals. For decades these people have been
conditioned to think in Olympic terms: more, stronger, higher.
Not: new, unprecedented, non-existent. To improve - not to invent.
They stumbled across the Internet - it invented itself despite
its own creators.
Computer professionals (hardware and software experts alike) -
are linear thinkers. The Internet is non linear and modular.
It is still the time of the computermen in the Internet. There
is still a lot to be done in improving technological prowess and
powers. But their control of the contents is waning and there
they are being gradually replaced by communicators, creative
people, advertising executives, psychologists and the totally
unpredictable masses who flock to flaunt their home pages.
These all are attuned to the user, his mental needs and his
information and entertainment preferences.
The compact disc is a different tale. It was intentionally
invented to improve upon an existing technology (basically,
Edisons Gramophone). Market-wise, this was a major gamble:
the improvement was, at first, debatable (many said that the
sound quality of the first generation of compact discs was
inferior to that of its contemporary record players). Consumers
had to be convinced to change both software and hardware and to
dish out thousands of dollars just to listen to what the
manufacturers claimed was better quality Bach. A better argument
was the longer life of the software (though contrasted with the
limited life expectancy of the consumer, some of the first sales
pitches sounded absolutely morbid).
The computer suffered from unclear positioning. The compact
disc was very clear as to its main functions - but had a rough
time convincing the consumers.
Every medium is first controlled by the technical people.
Gutenberg was a printer - not a publisher. Yet, he is the world's
most famous publisher. The technical cadre is joined by dubious
or small-scale entrepreneurs and, together, they establish
ventures with no clear vision, market-oriented thinking, or
orderly plan of action. The legislator is also dumbfounded and
does not grasp what is happening - thus, there is no legislation
to regulate the use of the medium. Witness the initial confusion
concerning copyrighted software and the copyrights of ROM
embedded software. Abuse or under-utilization of resources ow.
Recall the sale of radio frequencies to the first cellular phone
operators in the West - a situation which repeats itself in
Eastern and Central Europe nowadays.
But then more complex transactions - exactly as in real estate
in "real life" - begin to make their appearance.
This distinction is important. While in real life it is
possible to sell an undeveloped plot of land - no one will buy
"pages". The supply of these is unlimited - their
scarcity (and, therefore, their virtual price) is zero.
The second example involves the utilization of a site - rather
than its mere availability.
A developer could open a site wherein first time authors will
be able to publish their first manuscript - for a fee. Evidently,
such a fee will be a fraction of what it would take to publish a
"real life" book. The author could collect money for
any downloading of his book - and split it with the site
developer. The potential buyers will be provided with access to
the contents and to a chapter of the books.
The Life of a Medium
Every medium of communications goes through the same evolutionary cycle:
The Public Phase
At this stage, the medium and the resources attached to it
are very cheap, accessible, under no regulatory constraints. The
public sector steps in: higher education institutions, religious
institutions, government, not for profit organizations, non
governmental organizations (NGOs), trade unions, etc. Bedevilled
by limited financial resources, they regard the new medium as a
cost effective way of disseminating their messages.
The Internet was not exempt from this phase which ended only a
few months ago. It started with a complete computer anarchy
manifested in ad hoc networks, local networks, networks of
organizations (mainly universities and organs of the government
such as DARPA, a part of the defence establishment, in the USA).
Non commercial entities jumped on the bandwagon and started
sewing these networks together (an activity fully subsidized by
government funds). The result was a globe encompassing network of
academic institutions. The American Pentagon established the
network of all networks, the ARPANET. Other government
departments joined the fray, headed by the National Science
Foundation (NSF) which withdrew only lately from the Internet.
The Internet (with a different name) became public property -
with access granted to the chosen few.
Radio took precisely this course. Radio transmissions started
in the USA in 1920. Those were anarchic broadcasts with no
discernible regularity. Non commercial organizations and not for
profit organizations began their own broadcasts and even created
radio broadcasting infrastructure (albeit of the cheap and local
kind) dedicated to their audiences. Trade unions, certain
educational institutions and religious groups commenced "public
radio" broadcasts.
The Commercial Phase
When the users (e.g., listeners in the case of the radio,
or owners of PCs and modems in the example of the Internet) reach
a critical mass - the business sector is alerted. In the name of
capitalist ideology (another religion, really) it demands "privatization"
of the medium. This harps on very sensitive strings in every
Western soul: the efficient allocation of resources which is the
result of competition, corruption and inefficiency naturally
associated with the public sector ("Other Peoples
Money" - OPM), the ulterior motives of members of the ruling
political echelons (the infamous American Paranoia), a lack of
variety and of catering to the tastes and interests of certain
audiences, the equation private enterprise = democracy and more.
The end result is the same: the private sector takes over the
medium from "below" (makes offers to the owners or
operators of the medium - that they cannot possibly refuse) - or
from "above" (successful lobbying in the corridors of
power leads to the appropriate legislation and the medium is
Every privatization - especially that of a medium - provokes
public opposition. There are (usually founded) suspicions that
the interests of the public were compromised and sacrificed on
the altar of commercialization and rating. Fears of
monopolization and cartelization of the medium are evoked - and
justified, in due time. Otherwise, there is fear of the
concentration of control of the medium in a few hands. All these
things do happen - but the pace is so slow that the initial fears
are forgotten and public attention reverts to fresher issues.
A new Communications Act was legislated in the USA in 1934. It
was meant to transform radio frequencies into a national resource
to be sold to the private sector which will use it to transmit
radio signals to receivers. In other words: the radio was passed
on to private and commercial hands. Public radio was doomed to be
The American administration withdrew from its last major
involvement in the Internet in April 1995, when the NSF ceased to
finance some of the networks and, thus, privatized its hitherto
heavy involvement in the net.
A new Communications Act was legislated in 1996. It permitted
"organized anarchy". It allowed media operators to
invade each others territories.
Phone companies will be allowed to transmit video and cable
companies will be allowed to transmit telephony, for instance.
This is all phased over a long period of time - still, it is a
revolution whose magnitude is difficult to gauge and whose
consequences defy imagination. It carries an equally momentous
price tag - official censorship. "Voluntary censorship",
to be sure, somewhat toothless standardization and enforcement
authorities, to be sure - still, a censorship with its own
institutions to boot. The private sector reacted by threatening
litigation - but, beneath the surface it is caving in to pressure
and temptation, constructing its own censorship codes both in the
cable and in the internet media.
This phase is the next in the Internet's history, though,
it seems, unbeknownst to it.
It is characterized by enhanced activities of legislation.
Legislators, on all levels, discover the medium and lurch at it
passionately. Resources which were considered "free",
suddenly are transformed to "national treasures not to be
dispensed with cheaply, casually and with frivolity".
It is conceivable that certain parts of the Internet will be
"nationalized" (for instance, in the form of a
licensing requirement) and tendered to the private sector.
Legislation will be enacted which will deal with permitted and
disallowed content (obscenity? incitement? racial or gender bias?).
No medium in the USA (not to mention the wide world) has
eschewed such legislation. There are sure to be demands to
allocate time (or space, or software, or content, or hardware) to
"minorities", to "public affairs", to "community
business". This is a tax that the business sector will have
to pay to fend off the eager legislator and his nuisance value.
All this is bound to lead to a monopolization of hosts and
servers. The important broadcast channels will diminish in number
and be subjected to severe content restrictions. Sites which will
not succumb to these requirements - will be deleted or
neutralized. Content guidelines (euphemism for censorship) exist,
even as we write, in all major content providers (CompuServe, AOL,
The Bloodbath
This is the phase of consolidation. The number
of players is severely reduced. The number of browser types will
be limited to 2-3 (Netscape, Microsoft and which else?). Networks
will merge to form privately owned mega-networks. Servers will
merge to form hyper-servers run on supercomputers. The number of
ISPs will be considerably down.
50 companies ruled the greater part of the media markets in
the USA in 1983. The number in 1995 was 18. At the end of the
century they will number 6.
This is the stage when companies - fighting for financial
survival - strive to acquire as many users/listeners/viewers as
possible. The programming is shallowed to the lowest (and widest)
common denominator. Shallow programming dominates as long as the
bloodbath proceeds.
The Internet: Medium or Chaos?
There has never been a medium like the Internet. The way it has formed, the way it was (not) managed, its hardware-software-communications specifications - are all unique.
No Government
The Internet has no central (or even decentralized)
structure. In reality, it hardly has a structure at all. It is a
collection of 16 million computers (end 1996) connected through
thousands of networks. There are organization which purport to
set Internet standards (like the aforementioned ISOC) - but they
are all voluntary organizations, with no binding legal,
enforcement, or adjudication authorities. The result is mayhem.
Many erroneously call the Internet the first democratic medium.
Yet, it hardly qualifies as a medium and by no stretch of
terminology is it democratic. Democracy has institutions,
hierarchies, order. The Internet has none of these things. There
are some vague understandings as to what is and is not allowed.
This is a "code of honour" (more reminiscent of the
Sicilian Mob than of the British Parliament, lets say).
Violations are punished by excommunication (of the violating site).
The Internet has culture - but no education. Freedom of Speech
is entrenched. Members of this virtual community react adversely
to ideas of censorship, even when applied to hard core porno.
Government initiatives (in the USA, in France, the lawsuit
against the General Manager of AOL in Germany) are acutely
criticized. In the meantime, the spirit of the Internet prevails:
the small mans medium. What seems to be emerging, though,
is self censorship by content providers (such as AOL and
The Internet is not dependent upon a given hardware or
software. True, it is accessible only through computers. True,
there are dominant browsers.
But the Internet accommodates any digital (bit transfer)
platform. Internet will be incorporated in the future into
portable computers, palmtops, cable television, telephones (with
voice interface) and even wrist watches. It will be accessible to
all, regardless of hardware and software.
The situation is, obviously, different with other media. There
is standard hardware (the television set, the radio receiver, the
digital print equipment). Data transfer modes are standardized as
well. The only variable is the contents - and even this is
standardized in an age of American cultural imperialism. Today,
one can see the same television programs all over the globe,
regardless of cultural or geographical differences.
Here is a reasonable prognosis for the Internet:
It will "broadcast" (it is, of course, a PULL medium,
not a PUSH medium - see next chapter) to many kinds of hardware.
Its functions will be controlled by 2-5 very common software
applications. But it will differ from television in that contents
will continue to be decentralized: every point on the Net is a
potential producer of content at low cost. This is the equivalent
of producing a talk show using the home television set. And the
contents will remain varied.
Naturally, marketing content (sites) will remain an expensive
art. Sites will also be richer or poorer, in accordance with the
investment made in them.
Non Linearity and Functional Modularity
The Internet is the first medium in human history that is
non-linear and totally modular.
A television program is broadcast from a transmitter, through
the airwaves to a receiver (=the television set). The viewer sits
opposite this receiver and passively watches. This is an entirely
linear process. The Internet is different:
When communicating through the Internet, there is no way to
predict how the information will reach its destination. The
routing of information through the network is completely random,
very much like the principle governing the telephony system (but
on a global scale). The latter is not a point-to-point linear
network. Rather, it is a network of networks. Our voice is
transmitted back and forth inside a gigantic maze of copper wires
and optic fibres. It seeps through any available wire - until it
reaches its destination.
It is the same in the Internet.
Information is divided to packets. An address is attached to
each packet and - using the TCP/IP data transfer protocol - is
dispatched to roam this worldwide labyrinth. But the path from
one neighbourhood of London to another can cross Japan.
The really ingenious thing about the Internet is that each
computer (each receiver or end user) indeed burdens the system by
imposing on it its information needs (as is the case with other
media) - but it also assists in the task of pushing information
packets on to their destinations. It seems that this contribution
to the system outweighs the burdens imposed upon it.
The network has a growth potential which is always bigger than
the number of its users. It is as though television sets assisted
in passing the signals received by them to other television sets.
Every computer which is a member of the network is both a message
(content) and a medium (active information channel), both a
transmitter and a receiver. If 30% of all computers on the Net
were to fall - there will be no operational impact (there is
enormous built in redundancy). Obviously, some contents will no
longer be available (information channels will be affected).
The interactivity of this medium is a guarantee against the
monopolization of contents. Anyone with a thousand dollars can
launch his/her own (reasonably sophisticated) site, accessible to
all other Internet users. Space is available through home page
The name of the game is no longer the production - it is the
creative content (design), the content itself and, above all, the
marketing of the site.
The Internet is an infinite and unlimited resource. This goes
against the grain of the most basic economic concept (of scarcity).
Each computer that joins the Internet strengthens it
exponentially - and tens of thousands join monthly. The Internet
infrastructure (maybe with the exception of communication
backbones) can accommodate an annual growth of 100% to the year
2020. It is the user who decides whether to increase the Internet's
infrastructure by connecting his computer to it. By comparison:
it is as though it were possible to produce and to broadcast
radio shows from every radio receiver. Each computer is a
combination of studio and transmitter (on the Internet).
In reality, there is no other interactive medium except the
Internet. Cables do not allow two-way data transfer (from user to
cable operator). If the user wants to buy a product - he has to
phone. Interactive television is an abject failure (the Sony and
TCI experiments were terminated). This all is before the
combining of the Internet with satellite capabilities (VSAT).
The television screen is inferior when compared to the
computer screen. Only the Internet is there as a true two-way
possibility. The technological problems that besieged it are
slowly dissipating.
The Internet allows for one-dimensional and bi - dimensional
One-dimensional interactivity: fill in and dispatch a form,
send and receive messages (through e-mail or v-mail).
Two-dimensional interactivity: to talk to someone while both
parties work on an application, to see your conversant, to talk
to him and to transfer documents to him for his perusal as the
conversation continues apace.
This is no longer science fiction. In less than five years
this will be as common as the telephone - and it will have a
profound effect on the traditional services provided by the phone
companies. Internet phones, Internet videophones - they will be
serious competitors and the phone companies are likely to react
once they begin to feel the heat. This will happen when the
Internet will acquire black box features. Phone companies,
software giants and cable TV operators are likely to end up
owning big chunks of the lucrative future market of the Net.
The Solitary Medium
The Internet is NOT a popular medium. It is the medium of
affluent executives who fully control the English language, as
part of a wider general education. Alternatively, it is the
medium of academia (students, lecturers), or of children of the
former, well-to-do group. In any case, it is not the medium of
the "wide public". It is a highly individualistic
The Internet was an initiative of the DOD (Department of
Defence in the USA). It was later "requisitioned" by
the National science Fund (NSF) in the USA. This continuous
involvement of the administration came to an end in 1995 when the
medium was "privatized".
This "privatization" was a recognition of the
popular roots of the Internet. It was - and is still being -
formed by millions of information-intoxicated users. They formed
network to exchange bits and pieces of mutual interest. Thus, as
opposed to all other media, the Internet was not invented, nor
was its market. The inventors of the telephone, the telegraph,
the radio, the television and the compact disc - all invented
previously non-existent markets for their products. It took time,
effort and money to convince consumers that they needed these
By contrast, the Internet was invented by its own consumers
and so was the market for it. When the latter was forged,
producers and businessmen joined. After all, Microsoft began to
hesitantly test the waters only in 1995!
On Line Memories
The Internet is the only medium with online memory, very
much like the human brain. The memories of these two - the Net
and the Brain - are immediately accessible. In both, it is stored
in sites and in both, it does not grow old or is eliminated. It
is possible to find sites which commemorate events the same way
that the human mind registers them. This is Net Memory. The
history of a site can be reviewed. The Library of Congress stores
the consecutive development phases of sites. The Internet is an
amazing combination of data processing software, data, a record
of all the activities which took place in connection with the
data and the memory of these records. Only the human brain is
recalled by these capacities: one language serves all these
functions, the language of the neurons.
There is a much clearer distinction even in computers (not to
mention more conventional media, such as television).
Raw English - the Language of Raw Materials
The following - apparently trivial - observation is
All the other media provide us with processed, censored,
"clean" content.
The Internet is a medium of raw materials, partly well
organized (the rough equivalent of a newspaper) - and partly
still in raw form, yesterdays supper.
This is a result of the immediate and absolute access afforded
each user: access to programming and site publishing tools - as
well as access to computer space on servers. This leads to
varying degrees of quality of contents and content providers and
this, in turn, prevents monopolization and cartelization of the
information supply channels.
The users of the Internet are still undecided: do they prefer
drafts or newspapers. They frequent well designed sites. There
are even design competitions and awards. But they display a
preference for sites that are constantly updated (i.e. closer in
their nature to a raw material - rather than to a finished
product). They prefer sites from which they can download material
to quietly process at home, alone, on their PCs, at their leisure.
Even the concept of "interactivity" points at a
preference for raw materials with which one can interact. For
what is interactivity if not the active involvement of the user
in the creation of content?
The Internet users love to be involved, to feel the power in
their fingertips, they are all addicted to one form of power or
Similarly, a car completely automatically driven and navigated
is not likely to sell well. Part of the experience of driving -
the sensation of power (remember "power stirring") - is
critical to the purchase decision.
It is not in vain that the metaphor for using the Internet is
"surfing" (and not, lets say, browsing).
The problem is that the Internet is a medium in the English
language. It discriminates against those whose mother tongue is
different. All software applications work best in English.
Otherwise they have to be adapted and fitted with special fonts (Hebrew,
Arabic, Japanese, Russian and Chinese - each present a different
set of problems to overcome). This situation might change with
the attainment of a critical mass of users (some say, 2 million
per non-Anglophone country).
Comprehensive (virtual) Reality
This is the first (though, probably, not the last) medium
which allows the user to conduct his whole life within its
Television presents a clear division: there is a passive
viewer. His task is to absorb information and subject it to
minimal processing. The Internet embodies a complete and
comprehensive (virtual) reality, a full fledged alternative to
real life.
The illusion is still in its infancy - and yet already
The user can talk to others, see them, listen to music, see
video, purchase goods and services, play games (alone or with
others scattered around the globe), converse with colleagues, or
with users with the same hobbies and areas of interest, to play
music together (separated by time and space).
And all this is very primitive. In ten years time, the
Internet will offer its users the option of video conferencing (possibly,
three dimensional, holographic). The participants figures
will be projected on big screens. Documents will be exchanged,
personal notes, spreadsheets, secret counteroffers.
Virtual Reality games will become reality in less time.
Special end-user equipment will make the player believe that he,
actually, is part of the game (while still in his room). The
player will be able to select an image borrowed from a database
and it will represent him, seen by all the other players.
Everyone will, thus, end up invading everyone elses private
space - without encroaching on his privacy!
The Internet will be the medium of choice for phone and
videophone communication (including conferencing).
Many mundane activities will be done through the Internet:
banking, shopping for standard items, etc.
The above are examples to the Internet's power and ability to
replace our reality in due time. A world out there will continue
to exist - but, more and more we will interact with it through
the enchanted interface of the Net.
A Brave New Net
The future of a medium in the making is difficult to
predict. Suffice it to mention the ridiculous prognoses which
accompanied the PC (it is nothing but a gaming gadget, it is a
replacement for the electric typewriter, will be used only by
business). The telephone also had its share of ludicrous
statements: no one - claimed the "experts" would like
to avoid eye contact while talking. Or television: only the Nazi
regime seemed to have fully grasped its potential (in the Berlin
1936 Olympics).
Still, this medium has a few characteristics which
differentiate it from all its predecessors. Were these traits to
be continuously and creatively exploited - a few statements can
be made about the future of the Net with relative assurance.
Time and Space Independence
This is the first medium in history which does not require
the simultaneous presence of people in space-time in order to
facilitate the transfer of information. Television requires the
existence of studio technicians, narrators and others in the
transmitting side - and the availability of a viewer in the
receiving side. The phone is dependent on the existence of two or
more parties simultaneously.
With time, tools to bridge the time gap between transmitter
and receiver were developed. The answering machine and the video
cassette recorder both accumulate information sent by a
transmitter - and release it to a receiver in a different space
and time. But they are discrete, their storage volume is limited
and they do not allow for interaction with the transmitter.
The Internet does not have these handicaps.
It facilitates the formation of "virtual organizations /
institutions / businesses/ communities". These are groups of
users that communicate in different points in space and time,
united by a common goal or interest.
A few examples:
The Virtual Advertising Agency
A budget executive from the USA will manage the account of
a hi-tech firm based in Sydney. He will work with technical
experts from Israel and with a French graphics office. They will
all file their work (through the intranet) in the Net, to be
studied by the other members of this virtual group. These will
enter the right site after clearing a firewall security software.
They will all be engaged in flexiwork (flexible working times)
and work from their homes or offices, as they please. Obviously,
they will all abide by a general schedule.
They will exchange audio files (the jingle, for instance),
graphics, video, colour photographs and text. They will comment
on each others work and make suggestions using e-mail. The
client will witness the whole creative process and will be able
to contribute to it. There is no technological obstacle
preventing the participation of the clients clients, as
Virtual RocknRoll
It is difficult to imagine that "virtual performances"
will replace real life ones.
The mass rock concert has its own inimitable sounds, palette
and smells. But a virtual production of a record is on the cards
and it is tens of percents cheaper than a normal production.
Again, the participants will interact through the Intranet. They
will swap notes, play their own instruments, make comments by e-mail,
play together using an appropriate software. If one of them is
grabbed by inspiration in the middle of (his) night, he will be
able to preserve and pass on his ideas through the Net. The
creative process will be aided by novel applications which enable
the simultaneous transfer of sound over the Net. The processes
which are already digitized (the mix, for one) will pose no
problem to a digitized medium. Other applications will let the
users listen to the final versions and even ask the public for
his preview opinion.
Thus, even creative processes which are perceived as demanding
human presence - will no longer do so with the advent of the Net.
Perhaps it is easier to understand a Virtual Law
Firm or Virtual Accountants Office.
In the extreme, such a firm will not have physical offices, at
all. The only address will be an e-mail address. Dozens of
lawyers from all over the world with hundreds of specialities
will be partners in such an office. Such an office will be truly
multinational and multidisciplinary. It will be fast and
effective because its members will electronically swap
information (precedents, decrees, laws, opinions, research and
plain ideas or professional experience).
It will be able to service clients in every corner of the
globe. It will involve the transfer of audio files (NetPhones),
text, graphics and video (crucial in certain types of litigation).
Today, such information is sent by post and messenger services.
Whenever different types of information are to be analysed - a
physical meeting is a must. Otherwise, each type of information
has to be transferred separately, using unique equipment for each
Simultaneity and interactivity - this will be the name of the
game in the Internet. The professional term is "Coopetition"
(cooperation between potential competitors, using the Internet).
Other possibilities: a virtual production of a movie, a
virtual research and development team, a virtual sales force. The
harbingers of the virtual university, the virtual classroom and
the virtual (or distance) medical centre are here.
The Internet - Mother of all Media
The Internet is the technological solution to the
mythological "home entertainment centre" debate.
It is almost universally agreed that, in the future, a typical
home will have one apparatus which will give it access to all
types of information. Even the most daring did not talk about
simultaneous access to all the types of information or about full
The Internet will offer exactly this: access to every
conceivable type of information simultaneously , the ability to
process them at the same time and full interactivity. The future
image of this home centre is fairly clear - it is the timing that
is not. It is all dependent on the availability of a wide (information)
band - through which it will be possible to transfer big amounts
of data at high speeds, using the same communications line. Fast
modems were coupled with optic fibres and with faulty planning
and vision of future needs. The cable television industry, for
instance, is totally technologically unprepared for the age of
interactivity. This is only partly the result of unwise,
restrictive, legislation which prohibits data vendors from
stepping on each others toes. Phone companies were not
permitted to provide Internet services or to transfer video
through their wires - and cable companies were not allowed to
transmit phone calls.
It is a question of time until these fossilized remains are
removed by the almighty hand of the market. When this happens,
the home centre is likely to look like this:
A central computer attached to a big screen divided to windows.
Television is broadcast on one window. A software application is
running on another. This could be an application connected to the
television program (deriving data from it, recording it,
collating it with pertinent data it picks out of databases). It
could be an independent application (a computer game).
Updates from the New York Stock exchange flash at the corner
of the screen and an icon blinks to signal the occurrence of a
significant economic event.
A click of the mouse (?) and the news flash is converted to a
voice message. Another click and your broker is on the
InternetPhone (possibly seen in a third window on the screen).
You talk, you send him a fax containing instructions and you
compare notes. The fax was printed on a word processing
application which opened up in yet another window.
Many believe that the communication with the future generation
of computers will be voice communication. This is difficult to
believe. It is weird to talk to a machine (especially in the
presence of other humans). We are seriously inhibited this way.
Moreover, voice will interrupt other peoples work or
pleasure. It is also close to impossible to develop an efficient
voice recognition software. Not to mention mishaps such as
accidental activation.
The Friendly Internet
The Internet will not escape the processes
experienced by all other media.
It will become easy to operate, user-friendly, in professional
It requires too much specialized information. It is not
accessible to those who lack basic hardware and (Windows)
software concepts.
Alas, most of the population falls into the latter category.
Only 30 million "Windows" operating systems were sold
worldwide. Even if this constitutes 20% of all the copies (the
rest being pirated versions) - it still represents less than 3%
of the population of the world. And this, needless to say, is the
world's most popular software (following the DOS operating system).
The Internet must rely on something completely different. It
must have sophisticated, transparent-to-the-user search engines
to guide to the cavernous chaotic libraries which will typify it.
The search engines must include complex decision making
algorithms. They must understand common languages and respond in
mundane speech. They will be efficient and incredibly fast
because they will form their own search strategy (supplanting the
users faulty use of syntax).
These engines, replete with smart agents will refer the user
to additional data, to cultural products which reflect the users
history of preferences (or pronounced preferences expressed in
answers to feedback questionnaires). All the decisions and
activities of the user will be stored in the memory of his search
engine and assist it in designing its decision making trees. The
engine will become an electronic friend, advise the user, even on
professional matters.
Decentralized Lack of Planning
The course adopted by content creators (producers) in the
last few years proves the maxim that it is easy to repeat
mistakes and difficult to derive lessons from them. Content
producers are constantly buying channels to transfer their
contents. This is a mistake. A careful study of the history of
successful media (e.g., television) points to a clear pattern:
Content producers do not grant life-long exclusivity to any
single channel. Especially not by buying into it. They prefer to
contract for a limited time with content providers (their
broadcast channels). They work with all of them, sometimes
In the future, the same content will be sold on different
sites or networks, at different times. Sometimes it will be found
with a provider which is a combination of cable TV company and
phone company - at other times, it will be found with a provider
with expertise in computer networks. Much content will be created
locally and distributed globally - and vice versa.
No exclusivity pact will survive. Networks such as CompuServe
are doomed and have been doomed since 1993. The approach of
decentralized access, through numerous channels, to the same
information - will prevail.
The Transparent Language
The Internet will become the next battlefield between have
countries and have-not countries. It will be a cultural war zone
(English against French, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and Spanish).
It will be politically charged: those wishing to restrict the
freedom of speech (authoritarian and dictatorial regimes,
governments, conservative politicians) against pro-speechers.
Different peer groups, educational and income social-economic
strata, ethnic, sexual preference groups - will all fight in the
eternal fields of the Internet.
Yet, two developments will pacify the scene:
Automatic translation applications (like Accent) will make
every bit of information accessible to all. The lingual (and, by
extension ethnic or national) source of the information will be
disguised. A feeling of a global village will permeate the medium.
Being ignorant of the English language will no longer hinder ones
access to the Net. Equal opportunities.
The second trend will be the new classification methods of
contents on the Net together with the availability of chips
intended to filter offensive information. Obscene material will
not be available to tender souls. anti-Semitic sites will be
blocked to Jews and communists will be spared Evil Empire
speeches. Filtering will be usually done using extensive and
adaptable lists of keywords or key phrases.
This will lead to the formation of cultural Internet Ghettos -
but it will also considerably reduce tensions and largely derail
populist legislative efforts aimed at curbing or censoring free
Public Internet - Private Internet
The day is not far when every user will be able to define
his areas of interest, order of priorities, preferences and
tastes. Special applications will scour the Net for him and
retrieve the material befitting his requirements. This material
will be organized in any manner prescribed.
A private newspaper comes to mind. It will have a circulation
of one copy - the users. It will borrow its contents from a
few hundreds of databases and electronic versions of newspapers
on the Net. Its headlines will reflect the main areas of interest
of its sole subscriber. The private paper will contain hyperlinks
to other sites in the Internet: to reference material, to
additional information on the same subject. It will contain text,
but also graphics, audio, video and photographs. It will be
interactive and editable with the push of a button.
Another idea: the intelligent archive.
The user will accumulate information, derived from a variety
of sources in an archive maintained for him on the Net. It will
not be a classical "dead" archive. It will be active. A
special application will search the Net daily and update the
archive. It will contain hyperlinks to sites, to additional
information on the Net and to alternative sources of information.
It will have a "History" function which will teach the
archive about the preferences and priorities of the user.
The software will recommend new sites to him and subjects
similar to his history. It will alert him to movies, TV shows and
new musical releases - all within his cultural sphere. If
convinced to purchase - the software will order the wares from
the Net. It will then let him listen to the music, see the movie,
or read the text.
The internet will become a place of unceasing stimuli, of
internal order and organization and of friendliness in the sense
of personally rewarding acquaintance. Such an archive will be a
veritable friend. It will alert the user to interesting news,
leave messages and food for thought in his e-mail (or v-mail). It
will send the user a fax if not responded to within a reasonable
time. It will issue reports every morning.
This, naturally, is only a private case of the archival
potential of the Net.
A network connecting more than 16.3 million computers (end
1996) is also the biggest collective memory effort in history
after the Library of Alexandria. The Internet possesses the
combined power of all its constituents. Search engines are,
therefore, bound to be replaced by intelligent archives which
will form universal archives, which will store all the paths to
the results of searches plus millions of recommended searches.
Compare this to a newspaper: it is much easier to store back
issues of a paper in the Internet than physically. Obviously, it
is much easier to search and the amortization of such a copy is
annulled. Such an archive will let the user search by word, by
key phrase, by contents, search the bibliography and hop to other
parts of the archive or to other territories in the Internet
using hyperlinks.
Money, again
We have already mentioned SET, the safety standard. This
will facilitate credit card transactions over the Net. These are
safe transactions even today - but there an ingrained interest to
say otherwise. Newspapers are afraid that advertising budgets
will migrate to the Web. Television harbours the same fears. More
commerce on the Net - means more advertising dollars diverted
from established media. Too many feel unhappy when confronted
with this inevitability. They spread lies which feed off the
ignorance about how safe paying with credit cards on the Net is.
Safety standards will terminate this propaganda and transform the
Internet into a commercial medium.
Users will be able to buy and sell goods and services on the
Net and get them by post. Certain things will be directly
downloaded (software, e-books). Many banking transactions and EDI
operations will be conducted through bank-clients intranets. All
stock and commodity exchanges will be accessible and the role of
brokers will be minimized. Foreign exchange will be easily
tradable and transferable. Home banking, private newspapers,
subscriptions to cultural events, tourism packages and airline
tickets - are all candidates for Net-Trading.
The Internet is here to stay.
Commercially, it would be an extreme strategic error to ignore
it. A lot of money will flow through it. A lot more people will
be connected to it. A lot of information will be stored on it.
To summarize:
Nothing serious is gonna happen.
Aldous Huxley was right.
Only few want liberty, the rest prefer security.
Every problem will be resolved with "design
medicaments", TV, PlayStations, Disney Worlds, Football Leagues and CNN will show
us what we want to see.
We will brighten our conscience with a lot of
green peace and NGOs which will restrict the game to Technology. In fact there will be
no problems, Our god "technology"
will resolve them; in the "future" of course, always in
the future, always a promise of redemption.
You know, most people are convinced that
technology (in the next century) will eliminate pain!!!!!!!!!!!
how can people be so credulous, so stupid, so ignorant of what pain
Nobody will want to use the outstanding
possibilities of interconnectedness, just to shop, stupid chatting and do bad songs.
A great middle-class of "intelligent"
and stupid people, over them the great beasts ( but very small men) will fight restlessly
for world dominion (if a new Cecil Rhodes will appear, at least it
would be interesting to hear what he says,
but this is another sign of our times: great elementary forces, very
small men).
XXI is the century of entertainment.
Life will become show business.
Andy Warhol was wrong, everybody are gonna have
much more time on the screen. The last try of the bourgeoisie to
have a unique life.
Soon all of our neighbours would have a music band
and a song at the top charts - in a few
decades artists will again be about artistic work and not about public relations as now,
and then will be the time of great art.
In the meantime the few "cultured men"
that will remain alive will be forced to
inner emigration, time to live outside this madness in a little house in the country, cultivating tomatoes, onions
and their own food and reading good old books, waiting for better
times to come.
That's my own desire.
Titanism is against Muses, better retreat to the
woods and wait for the gods.
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