Knowledge and Power
Sam Vaknin,

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"Knowledge is Power" goes the old German
adage. But power, as any schoolboy knows, always has negative and
positive sides to it. Information exhibits the same duality:
properly provided, it is a positive power of unequalled strength.
Improperly disseminated and presented, it is nothing short of
destructive. The management of the structure, content, provision
and dissemination of information is, therefore, of paramount
importance to a nation, especially if it is in its infancy (as an
independent state).
Information has four dimensions and five axes
of dissemination, some vertical and some horizontal.
The four dimensions are:
- Structure information
can come in various physical forms and poured into
different kinds of vessels and carriers. It can be
continuous or segmented, cyclical (periodic) or
punctuated, repetitive or new, etc. The structure often
determines what of the information (if at all) will be
remembered and how. It encompasses not only the mode of
presentation, but also the modules and the rules of
interaction between them (the hermeneutic principles, the
rules of structural interpretation, which is the result
of spatial, syntactic and grammatical conjunction).
- Content This
incorporates both ontological and epistemological
elements. In other words: both "hard" data,
which should, in principle, be verifiable through the
employment of objective, scientific, methods and "soft" data, the interpretation offered with
the hard data. The soft data is a derivative of a "message",
in the broader sense of the term. A message comprises
both world-view (theory) and an action and direction-inducing
- Provision The
intentional input of structured content into information
channels. The timing of this action, the quantities of
data fed into the channels, their qualities all
are part of the equation of provision.
- Dissemination More
commonly known as media or information channels. The
channels which bridge between the information providers
and the information consumers. Some channels are merely
technical and then the relevant things to discuss would
be technical: bandwidth, noise to signal ratios and the
like. Other channels are metaphorical and then the
relevant determinants would be their effectiveness in
conveying content to targeted consumers.
In the economic realm, there are five
important axes of dissemination:
- From Government to the Market
the Market here being the "Hidden Hand",
the mechanism which allocates resources in adherence to
market signals (for instance, in accordance with prices).
The Government intervenes to correct market failures, or
to influence the allocation of resources in favour or
against the interests of a defined group of people. The
more transparent and accountable the actions of the
Government, the less distortion in the allocation of
resources and the less resulting inefficiency. The
Government should declare its intentions and actions in
advance whenever possible, then it should act through
public, open tenders, report often to regulatory and
legislative bodies and to the public and so on. The more
information provided by this major economic player (the
most dominant in most countries) the more smoothly
and efficaciously the Market will operate. The converse,
unfortunately, is also true. The less open the government,
the more latent its intents, the more shadowy its
operations the more cumbersome the bureaucracy,
the less functioning the market.
- From Government to the Firms
The same principles that apply to the desirable
interaction between Government and Market, apply here.
The Government should disseminate information to firms in
its territory (and out of it) accurately, equitably and
speedily. Any delay or distortion in the information, or
preference of one recipient over another will
thwart the efficient allocation of economic resources.
- From Government to the World
The "World" here being multilateral
institutions, foreign governments, foreign investors,
foreign competitors and the economic players in general
providing that they are outside the territory of the
information disseminating Government. Again, any delay,
or abstention in the dissemination of information as well
as its distortion (disinformation and misinformation)
will result in economic outcomes worse that could have
been achieved by a free, prompt, precise and equitable (=equally
available) dissemination of said information. This is
true even where commercial secrets are involved! It has
been proven time and again that when commercial
information is kept secret the firm (or Government)
that keeps it hidden is HARMED. The most famous examples
are Apple (which kept its operating system a well-guarded
secret) and IBM (which did not), Microsoft (which kept
its operating system open to developers of software) and
other software companies (which did not). Recently,
Netscape has decided to provide its source code (the most
important commercial secret of any software company) free
of charge to application developers. Synergy based on
openness seemed to have won over old habits. A free,
unhampered, unbiased flow of information is a major point
of attraction to foreign investors and a brawny point
with the likes of the IMF and the World Bank. The former,
for instance, lends money more easily to countries, which
maintain a reasonably reliable outflow of national
- From Firms to the World
The virtues of corporate transparency and of the
application of the properly revealing International
Accounting Standards (IAS, GAAP, or others) need no
evidencing. Today, it is virtually impossible to raise
money, to export, to import, to form joint ventures, to
obtain credits, or to otherwise collaborate
internationally without the existence of full,
unmitigated disclosure. The modern firm (if it wishes to
interact globally) must open itself up completely and
provide timely, full and accurate information to all.
This is a legal must for public and listed firms the
world over (though standards vary). Transparent
accounting practices, clear ownership structure,
available track record and historical performance records
are sine qua non in today's financing world.
- From Firms to Firms
This is really a subset of the previous axis of
dissemination. Its distinction is that while the former
is concerned with multilateral, international
interactions this axis is more inwardly oriented
and deals with the goings-on between firms in the same
territory. Here, the desirability of full disclosure is
even stronger. A firm that fails to provide information
about itself to firms on its turf, will likely fall prey
to vicious rumours and informative manipulations by its
Positive information is characterized by four
- Transparency Knowing
the sources of the information, the methods by which it
was obtained, the confirmation that none of it was
unnecessarily suppressed (some would argue that there is
no "necessary suppression") constitutes
the main edifice of transparency. The datum or
information can be true, but if it is not perceived to be
transparent it will not be considered reliable.
Think about an anonymous (=non-transparent) letter versus
a signed letter the latter will be more readily
relied upon (subject to the reliability of the author, of
- Reliability is the
direct result of transparency. Acquaintance with the
source of information (including its history) and with
the methods of its provision and dissemination will
determine the level of reliability that we will attach to
it. How balanced is it? Is the source prejudiced or in
any way an interested, biased, party? Was the information
"force-fed" by the Government, was the media
coerced to publish it by a major advertiser, was the
journalist arrested after the publication? The
circumstances surrounding the datum are as important as
its content. The context of a piece of information is of
no less consequence that the information contained in it.
Above all, to be judged reliable, the information must "reflect" reality. I mean reflection not in the
basic sense: a one to one mapping of the reflected. I
intend it more as a resonance, a vibration in tune with
the piece of the real world that it relates to. People
say: "This sounds true" and the word "sounds"
should be emphasized.
- Comprehensiveness
Information will not be considered transparent, nor will
it be judged reliable if it is partial. It must
incorporate all the aspects of the world to which it
relates, or else state explicitly what has been omitted
and why (which is tantamount to including it, in the
first place). A bit of information is embedded in a
context and constantly interacts with it. Additionally,
its various modules and content elements consistently and
constantly interact with each other. A missing part
implies ignorance of interactions and epiphenomena, which
might crucially alter the interpretation of the
information. Partiality renders information valueless.
Needless to say, that I am talking about RELEVANT parts
of the information. There are many other segments of it,
which are omitted because their influence is negligible (the
idealization process), or because it is so great that
they are common knowledge.
- Organization This,
arguably, is the most important aspect of information. It
is what makes information comprehensible. It includes the
spatial and temporal (historic) context of the
information, its interactions with its context, its inner
interactions, as we described earlier, its structure, the
rules of decision (grammar and syntax) and the rules of
interpretation (semantics, etc.) to be applied. A
worldview is provided, a theory into which the
information fits. Embedded in this theory, it allows for
predictions to be made in order to falsify the theory (or
to prove it). Information cannot be understood in the
absence of such a worldview. Such a worldview can be
scientific, or religious but it can also be
ideological (Capitalism, Socialism), or related to an
image which an entity wishes to project. An image is a
theory about a person or a group of people. It is both
supported by information and supports it. It is a
shorthand version of all the pertinent data, a stereotype
in reverse.
There is no difference in the application of
these rules to information and to interpretation (which is really
information that relates to other information instead of relating
to the World). Both categories can be formal and informal. Formal
information is information that designates itself as such (carries
a sign: "I am information"). It includes official
publications by various bodies (accountants, corporations, The
Bureau of Statistics, news bulletins, all the media, the Internet,
various databases, whether in digitized format or in hard copy).
Informal information is information, which is
not permanently captured or is captured without the intention of
generating formal information (=without the pretence: "I am
information"). Any verbal communication belongs here (rumours,
gossip, general knowledge, background dormant data, etc.).
The modern world is glutted by
information, formal and informal, partial and comprehensive, out
of context and with interpretation. There are no conceptual,
mental, or philosophically rigorous distinctions today between
information and what it denotes or stands for. Actors are often
mistaken for their roles, wars are fought on television,
fictitious TV celebrities become real. That which has no
information presence might as well have no real life existence.
An entity person, group of people, a nation which
does not engage in structuring content, providing and
disseminating it actively engages, therefore, in its own,
slow, disappearance.
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